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Call Category Comments
KO0ZSO LP ALLSuperbowl party prep interrupted contesting, Go Chiefs! I was happy to be in the fray to hand out points!
KO6BLZSO LP ALLFirst license 10-2023
KR7DSO HP ALLThanks for the QSOs
KT6VSO LP ALLA surprising number of operators did NOT send RST along with Serial Number as required. Thanks for continuing to sponsor and present the GREAT series of CQ contests
KX1BKSO LP 15MThanks for the contacts. Tnx to CQ for sponsoring the contest, processing the logs, and preparing the results. 73 - Dan W1QK - KX1BK operator
KY4IDMSLFirst license 06-2021 Licensed 06-2021
KZ0USSO QRP ALLA great contest! SO2R with a pair of Ic7610s N1MM+ with 2Tone and MMTTY decoders (3 per radio) plus a HAL ST-8000 for the 80 meter (and 20&10 meter radio). LOTS of different decoders is the key for copying weak/wobbly stations especially on 80 meters! Antennas: Cushcraft A4S @ 40 feet Trapped 80/40 dipole @ 32 feet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were lots of stations that were really strong, (s9+) and unable to copy my and many others calling them. Possibly lots of folks are trying to improperly use use the RTTY decoders built into modern day radios (not set up correctly), and these decoders are not nearly as good as a computer type of RTTY decoder? Yet stations that were not even moving the S meter, were copying just fine. It was pretty frustrating for lots of operators. -- Thanks and 73, Jim W7RY
LA0GESO LP 20MGreat fun with 100w into an vertical dipole
LA1KM2Shack 2 frequency slightly offset by 2125 Hz
LA6CFSO LP ALLwith no computer my ICOM does not work very well with RTTY. I have to hit the display on the tranceiver 21 times everytime I wish to change the serialnuimber . And at 85 years age I do not have the patience any longer. Please put my report as checklist or disqualify. I dont care, I have already had the fun during the contest
LA9RYSO LP ALLParticipated to explore the RTTY function of my SunSDR2DX using MMTTY
LB8DCSO HP ALLPart time operation. But still super fun to be there. Not excellent conditions, but from time to time some real good pileups. Lots of aurora flutter on stations, but with KP4 on the index up here in the north, that is expected. Always a challenge operating a contest from 60 degrees north. Lots of garbage print on my screen will result in loosing lots of points and multipliers! But lots of fun! CU next year
LC1CSO QRP 15MLife is to short for QRP :)
LU7DLSSO LP ALLI unintentionally deleted QSO #009 and I cannot recover it nor do I remember which station I contacted at that time. Please, donĀ“t penalize my correspondent for a mistake on my part. I'm sorry to cause this inconvenience
LX1ERSO LP ALLnice conds on the bands . was realy funny week-end see you agn in 2025
LY2ATSO LP 20MThese were the first QSOs of my life in RTTY mode, being in 56 years on the air! 73
M0IPUSO LP 10MSoapbox: DXspider: dxs.ddns.net:7300 AR-Cluster 6: arc6.ddns.net:7373 CC Cluster: dxnode.ddns.net:8888
M0TJUSO LP ALLEnjoyable contest. Had to repeat serial number several times lots of multipath
M0UNISO HP 15MMost enjoyable contest ever! Calls just kept coming, and everything kept working. Thanks CQ!
M2JSO LP 40MLimited operating time unfortunately
M2OSO HP 20M350w Dipole
M4NSO LP 20MFlex6400 Antennas: Doublet
MC2IMSHBest ever conditions on 15m
N0SMXSO HP ALLK4, KAT500 KPA500 EndFed Sloper @45ft
N0UISO LP 10MGlad to get Gilbert, ZD7BG, in the log again. Also was surprised when Don, 7Q6M, was still booming in this year. 10m was a good time again
N3FRSO LP ALLFantastic RTTY contest! Tons of activity, great bands, super high scores! My highest score by far! Thanks for such a great weekend! Bob, N3FR
N4CWMSL5 Watt QRP operation using a single K3, taking turns operating! We didn't realize how much work operating thus would be: Jim and I attempted to run, but after just a couple QSO's, it was obvious that we couldn't compete that way, so for 99.9 percent of our remaining time, we just used search and pounce mode and Telnet spots. The Telnet spots weren't as useful and the P3 'scope IMHO...rarely were the spots where they were spotted! We had to become accustomed to not being heard and moving on when there just wasn't hope for working a particular station. When you're accustome to High Power operation as we are, QRP is a very humbling experience! It was amazing what we did with just five Watts...and truly amazing to see Jim work Reunion Island Sunday morning! Participation was from all over the world with plenty of good ops. We had a great time and truly appreciate those ops who dug out our puny signal...THANKS many times over! 73, Bert N4CW and Jim W4TMO
N4IWSO LP ALLI was set up and ready on time but had many obligations this weekend to keep me out of the Chair, starting with Radio Club just as the contest was beginning and then the meeting ran very late. So, I did not make my first contact until Saturday morning. Then I had more activities Saturday afternoon and my usual Sunday activities. My equipment and setup performed well except that I still need to learn more about spots, clusters and filtering. All in all, I enjoyed this contest immensely. RTTY is a lot of fun. Thanks for the QSOs
N4MCCSO LP ALLFirst RTTY contest. Had a great time after getting all the bugs worked out
N5LPTSO HP ALLHad a really good time in this contest and doubled my score and QSO count from last year!
N5SMQSO LP ALLThe Bands were GREAT, but my body wasn't! LOL!!! Can't wait till the next contest!
N6ANSO QRP 10MPortable from Flint Peak (SOTA W6/CT-225) on Saturday and from Temescal Peak (W6/CT-218) on Sunday. 5 watts from a KX3 to a 17' doublet on an 18' mast. Hand sent RTTY and paper logging. I really have to concentrate to keep things flowing. Good fun!
N6HISO QRP ALLRan QRP to a 20-Foot End-Fed Wire. Most QSOs used a Half Watt, but a few QSOs were made with a full 5 Watts. Lots of great DX, especially on 10m. Tnx for your patience and the QSOs. Go Arizona Outlaws! -73- John N6HI
N6QEK/KL7SO HP ALLThank you Robert 9N7AA for Nepal. 73
N7EPDSO HP ALLEveryone can be 'assisted'- the only way to go!!! A part time effort while re learning how to set up the digital window and various RTTY engines with N1MM on a new laptop
N7UVHSO LP ALLStarted the contest SO2R. One of my pair of ts-480hx lost its final in pa. Did not realize it for some time.. till I saw the watt meter. Was still able to some in the log on 10 meters with 10 watts.. so finished as SO1V. Contests are hard on rigs. Also some where along the contest n1mm sent numbers where off by 10 qso's and could not figure out how to change it. So my number sent was off.. but the log count was ok. I will have to do some research on that. Murf
N7WYSO HP ALLTIME ON 17 HRS exactly FTdx-10, alpha 87a 800 watts, KT36xa for 10-20, 40M2L on 40
N8URESO QRP 10MI think I beat my USA 10m QRP record from last year, but I'm at the limit of what can be done with a dipole. The solar storm didn't help. 5W RS-HFIQ radio and dipole
N9ARXSO LP ALLHad a great time operating my second ever RTTY contest. Still learning the in's and out's of using N1MM and MMTTY with my Yaesu FTdx101d. My apologies to a few stations that I hit the wrong function key during QSO'. Once you get the hang of it, you can make many RTTY QSO's in just a few minutes. Plus, no one had to put up with my CW keying!
N9TFSO LP ALLThat was fun. A few hours here and there throughout the weekend, added up! 40m was a lot of fun Friday night. I worked many EU 6 pointers and 35% of my total prefix count. 10 and 15 meters were a lot of fun Sunday morning. Although I couldn't muster up any productive runs on 10 and 15, I was able to work everyone I heard as I S&Pd up and down those two bands. Except for some intermittent bursts of power line noise from an arcing utility pole close by, during a heavy rain storm Saturday, the bands were relatively quiet with lots of strong RY signals across all the bands. Missed some good operating time Saturday late afternoon/evening to meet and have dinner with new neighbors, and still turned in a personal best! Always a fun contest. 73 Gene, N9TF. Rig, K3S 100 watts to a 6BTV ground mounted with a 160m parallel inverted L wire at the feed point
N9VPVSO LP 10M100W and a 10M vertical
NA1SSO LP ALLGreat contest. Good conditions
ND3DMSHStation: K3AJ. K3AJ operated from the shack. ND3D, K3WA, WT3K, W3MAM operated remotely
NE6ISO HP ALLI had forgotten how much fun this contest is!
NI0KSO HP ALLWowza! Several years of work finally came to fruition! I have upgraded my station for SO2R... more antennas, 12x2 remote switch, *LOTS* of software and an uphill climb in operating skills. This was the very first contest that I operated SO2R more or less successfully. I know I lost quite a few contacts by operator error...forgetting to log, answering on the wrong radio, etc. I learned a lot and had a boatload of fun!!!
NI1QSO QRP ALLI had a lot of interruptions including a soon to be (unlicensed) ham who came by for elmering. I lost time but it was all for love of the hobby. 15M was awesome, and being QRP on 15 was a joy. 20M was very noisy for some reason - probably because of flares
NK5GSO LP 15MThunderstorms in the area most of the weekend, so not bad for a single band Sunday only effort
NN7OSO LP ALLThanks! Had a great time. 15 meters was great for me this year
NN8UUSO LP 15MSome issues so had to shutdown. One of the best rtty contests

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