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Call Category Comments
JK6DXDSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JM1GHTSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JM8SMOSO LP 15MI enjoyed the contest
JN7TANSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JQ1COBSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JR0DZHSO LP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JR2BCFSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR2PMTSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3RIUSO HP 10MThanks QSO. IC-7600 KPA500
JR4CTFSO HP ALLI enjoyed the FB contest
JR7IWLSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1YDXMSLI enjoyed the contest
K0GDSO HP ALLRig: Elecraft K4D, KPA1500 Antennas: OptiBeam OB5-9 at 50' 144' doublet with ladder line. Logging: N1MM
K0TCSO HP ALLGreat band conditions. Tremendous activity. Maybe my favorite mode
K1DCSO LP ALLFirst license 05-2022 Well, that was interesting! CONDX were generally quite good and the bands were full of signals! For various reasons, I knew I would not be competitve this year but I decided to make a serious effort none-the-less. I was away from home with a laptop and old external monitor. Screen real estate was limited. I did try my hand at SO2V for the first time. I found it challenging to navigate between the various windows but I did eventually manage to leverage it for a few more Qs here-and-there. Clearly much more practice is required. As usual, mostly S&P. Several runs were made, when I could find an open freq, but I would run out of callsers after 15-20m. Thanks to all the OPs for the Qs and a huge Thank You to Tony, K1KP, for the use of his station!
K2LNSSO HP ALLWhats with several stations sending Letters for their exchange. They were not logged. Also some sending their number before a received call sign. Maybe the letter stations were using the old teletype machines. What's the other guys excuse ? I expect many log errors due to decoding
K3CCRM2K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W5MPB did Multi-2 in 2024 CQ WPX RTTY. We hoped to beat our best WPX RTTY M-2 result, in 2023 3550 Q pts & 639 WPX for a 2.27 M claim. We did 1.16 X the Q pts & 1.12 X the WPX, in 31.7 vs 29 hrs BIC, for 1.3 X the score. Our Q-pt win vs 2023 was driven by +872 Q-pts on 40 & 20 M we were -307 Q_pts on 80, 15, & 10 M. At 00Z start 40 M was hot N3UM ran at 55/hr for 152 of 206 Qs by 0426Z and quit to return early. W5MPB got 76 20-M Qs, 6 15-M Qs, & 61 80-M Qs, a total of 143 by 0619Z QRT. Back on 20 M at 1213Z, N3UM ran for 30 of 71 Qs by 14Z, then got 61 15-M Qs by 16Z and ate lunch. On 20 M 1412-1639Z W5MPB got 48 20-M Qs & ate lunch. Back 1752-2100Z he got 68 20-M Qs, ate supper, & got 83 20-M Qs by 0048Z. He then got 21 15-M Qs 0054-0204Z & 24 20-M Qs, and quit at 03Z to return early. On 1832-2031Z N3UM got 17 15-M Qs & 30 10-M Qs. On 40 M 2053-2237Z he got 72 40-M Qs, 59 in a run, ate supper, & got 48 more 40-M Qs and 14 80-M Qs by 03Z. N3UM planned ~06Z QRT. But after 03Z, fast noise jumps of 2 S-units on 40 & 80 M kept him to 13 Qs by 04Z, so he quit. Sun. AM 1201-1710Z W5MPB got 155 15-M Qs N3UM 1427-1710Z got 48 20-M Qs, and we quit to eat. At 1619Z, score went 3834 above our 2023 score claim. Back 1811-1931Z, W5MPB got 16 Qs on 15 M & 10 on 10 M. Then our internet died, 34 min. 1931-2005Z. N3UM 2006-2252Z got 22 20-M Qs & 50 40-M Qs for a 660 total. W5MPB 2005-2357Z got 38 15-M Qs, 26 40-M Qs, & 3 80-M s for a 670 total. But for lo-band noise jumps & internet gap, we coulda claimed 3M-plus
K3JZDSO LP ALLJust having some fun working DX. Just used 80 watts. It was a good time to insure that my RTTY setup was still valid and refresh my memory on working RTTY events with N1MM+
K4EESSO HP ALLI had fun!
K5TIASO HP ALLFirst ever RTTY QSOs 4 me
K5TUSO LP 10M40W with attic wire loop
K6SEASO HP 15MFired up the family club station for a short time at the end of the contest. Had problems with serial Nrs on N1MM, so had to send them by hand each qso.... I made my 50q x 50 M goal. Tnx for the qso's Dave ka6bim
K6XTSO HP ALL900W to multiband GP
K7VITSO HP ALLPretty good conditions. With the solar pyrotechnics, I didn't hear some of the usual EU calls which I usually hear. I believe that some of the FT-8 crowd might be giving RTTY a try. Welcome to the fun. Thanks to all who answered my calls. 73, Jerry
K8VUSSO LP ALLI just love this contest!
K8YESO HP ALLEnjoyed the good propagation and seeing all of the RTTY Activity
KA1CSO LP ALLWhat a lot of fun. I spent the last month helping 4 other hams get into RTTY, and they all entered this contest. I'm sure they had a great time as well! Nice to see 10m and 15m wide open. See you next year. Steve - KA1C
KA3GIKSO HP ALLused the wife's call since the ole W3 is not sought after
KA4JAMSO LP ALLOperator age 13
KA6BIMSO HP ALLNew personal best score in the contest. I improved on all bands but 15, but that was because 10 was too good I missed time on 15. I had 5 fewer mults than last year but a lot more qso's. 10 was in great shape, Nice to work EU& AF. 20 was only mediocre. Thanks for the qso's Dave ka6bim
KB4OLMSO LP ALLOnly operated part of contest, still learning, had fun
KB8TLSO LP ALLThank you sun spots!
KB9VMOSO LP ALLA nice steady pace to the contest was fun and 73s to all!
KC2WUFSO LP ALLNo tri-band, just 2 wires
KC3WWCSO QRP ALLFirst license 10-2023
KD6XSO HP ALLFirst time entering this contest. Learned a lot, and had fun. RTTY contesting has a nice flow to it
KD7DYSO LP 40MFirst license 08-2021
KE0TTSO LP ALL100W & dipoles. ERROR I gave WA0O serial number 8 instead of 9
KE2DSO HP ALLSorry for the late submission. If this must be a check log then I understand. I woke up on Saturday morning in the middle of ARRL DX CW and realized I had forgotten to submit this. I goet so busy with work and prepping for the CW contest that I just forgot about this. If my score can be included as a regular log I'd be greatful. Thanks, KE2D
KF0IDTSO LP ALLFirst license 03-2022 FISRT HAM 03-2022
KF2TISO HP ALLIt would be nice if some of the stations would allow callsign corrections when they misread, yet kept on going to the next station
KF4FCSO HP ALLRig: Flex 6400 into Ameritron AL-811H running about 400 watts into Double Extended Zepp oriented roughly North-South
KF5OMHChecklogFirst ever RTTY contacts
KF5YUBSO LP ALLThanks to all for participating. I used Ham Radio Deluxe with technical difficulties. Antenna used, Cushcraft R-7. Operated Bands 10 & 20 M. Thanks to KF5YUA's help, she made it all work
KI5YGTSO QRP 20MFirst license 09-2022
KM9RSO LP 10MSunday morning opening to Europe was fun. Rig: Flex N1MM+ and MMTTY Ant: 10m moxon at 3.5ft or approximately 1m
KN5SSO LP ALLI haven't seen this many RTTY stations in a decade! Limited time but good fun!!!!
KN7NVSO HP ALLFirst time using the KN7NV call

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