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Call Category Comments
JR2MINSO LP 20MI enjoyed the contest
JR2PMTSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3GPPSO LP 40MThank you for listening to my weak signal !!
JR3NZCSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR3RIUSO HP ALLThank you for QSO. IC-7600 KPA500
JR3RIYSO HP 15MEntry at 15mSB, I could see deep in Europe. The eastern side of North America is still invisible
JR4CTFSO HP ALLI enjoyed the FB contest
JR7ANBSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JR7IWLSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JS1NDMSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JU1DXSO HP 20MCategory: SOSB 20m HP /op.Naran, JT1BV/
K0TQSO HP ALLA lot of fun for my first RTTY contest, thanks qso's, 73
K2GLSSO LP ALLRig: K3 Ants: Dipoles
K2UASO HP ALLGreat contest! Used to operate WPX seriously back in the 1980s but I've only gotten on RTTY seriously in the last couple of months. Great activity in this event!
K3CCRM2K3CCR is the club station at the Collington continuing-care retirement community at FM 18OW in MD, just east of DC. N3UM and W3GB operated Multi-2 HP in Feb. 2021 CQ WPX RTTY. Our goal was to beat our first WPX RTTY result, in 2020 2.97K Q points and 1.49M claimed score. More RTTY experience and new F-key messages since 2/20 gave us hope, but the ice storm took it away. No ant. damage, no power loss. But, shack and cottages are separate 1 mi. away, but hard and risky to drive or walk on ice. Before the ice we did well ran for 85% of 295 Qs, 1012 Q pts, and 208 pfxs 00-05Z with N3UM on 80 M and W3GB on 40 M. W3GB got 52% of Qs but 65% of Q pts, with more 6-pt DX on 40 M. Back 1215-15Z, W3GB got 151 Q pts and 40 mults on 20 M in 51 Qs 48 were 3-pt EUs. Freezing rain began ~1430Z. His tough old F-150 with 4-wheel drive got W3GB safely home, and back 1950-2250Z for 75 more 20-M Q pts and 31 mults in NA, SA, EU, and AS. A lull in the rain at 20Z, then it came back. At 23Z W3GB had to use defroster to melt solid windshield ice chipper useless, road slick. Truck took us both to shack at 20Z Sun, after 23 hrs of thawing. We did well in the last 4 hrs, with N3UM on 40 M and W3GB on 20 M 583 Q pts and 100 mults in 163 Qs. Got 396 of the Q pts from 66 6-pt Qs on 40 M, out to HZ and A6. On 20 M, got EU, SA, OC, and AS mults out to LU, KH6, and JA. Rel. to 2/20 WPX RTTY claim, we got 61% as many Q pts and 75% as many mults in 51% as many BIC hours
K3IESO HP ALLThe perfect weekend to diddle. Winter Storm Warning over Middle TN left no guilt - even on Valentine's Day (hi)
K3NCSO LP ALLGreat fun!
K3TDSO LP ALLIC-7610 40-10 OCF antenna @ 28'
K3WHDSO LP ALLJan. 19 2019 ~ Tech
K4YCRSO LP ALLK-#, Butternut Vertical, 80 Watts
K5VIPSO HP ALLIt doesn't seem like folks are spotting stations as much as was done in years past
K5WWSO LP 20MFreezing weather broke my antenna
K6FASO LP ALLOnly spent a little time in contest was sure surprised at how well I did. Maybe next time I won't have to take the wife shopping on Sunday
K6VHFSO LP 40MThanks for the great contest!
K7LFYSO HP ALLHad the flu this year. Could only operate a little. Did the best I could. Decent 20 meter opening
K7VITSO HP ALLBand conditions were just okay. We had a snow & ice storm during the contest. First time I can ever remember having SWR go sky-high on 3 bands because of iced up antennas. Thank goodness for 20m and 80m. Thanks to all who answered my calls
K8LFSO HP ALLSunday conditions better. Tried to work all the 6 point EUR contacts on 40M and then every multi I could find. With the low sun spots, contacts on 15 and 10 should be worth more not less!
K8RCTSO HP ALLWow, what fun when it is only +7 degrees outside. I had a really great run on 40 meters with my rate scale showing periods of 85 Q's an hour (but not for the whole hour!). Fifteen meters was open for a change. My station has only wire antennas so it's a bit of a challenge to compete, but.......I did double last years score!
K8YESO HP 20MI really enjoyed the CW WW WPX RTTY Test this year, and I logged the most contacts I ever have done in a single contest. Lots of RTTY activity on the bands, and I picked up some new DXCC entities! Thanks for organizing this event! 73 & Good DX! Dennis (K8YE)
K9QJSSO HP ALLVery, very casual participation. And still had fun. Search and pounce only
K9ZOSO LP ALLI accidentally left zone 08 in the exchange so did not send serial numbers 1-7! I never did much with RTTY. My DXCC was with a K3 and paddles. My computers were always so slow that they sat and decoded and the guy calling me would call again before I got his report. So I just puttered around. Last spring I was not very successful in decoding FT8 DX, so I got a newer, faster computer. Thanks to K9CT for helping me find a good deal and good specs. W9ILY helped with loading and configuring software. WT2P came in with TeamViewer to figure out why the Flex DAX would not pass tones to be decoded by MMTTY. It was warm enough in the shack and zero degrees outside, but I didn't need an amp. I did house projects the first day, then started on Saturday evening and operated some on Sunday. It took a while to get in the groove, but became comfortable so I could read the paper while contesting. I called CQ on 20, but rarely got a reply, so stayed on the low bands. This is the most contacts I have made on RTTY. SO2R would really be fun. I need another tower! No RX antennas needed when you run low power. It took a lot of naps to get through this contest
KA3GIKSO HP ALLGreat time. Thanks to all that called in. See all in the next one
KB2MMISO LP ALLNeed to improve my RTTY station!
KC0VSO HP 40MGreat contest! My first time being the object of a RTTY pileup! Great fun!
KD4IZSO LP ALLMy first RTTY Test attempt - was a blast!
KD6HOFSO LP ALLN3FJP's CQ WPX Contest Log 4.8 has bugs causing wrong claim score and same SN to be sent twice in row (w/ FL digi)- may be a couple contact with same SN
KD9MSSO HP ALLMy best score ever!
KD9NYESO LP ALLFirst licensed 10/02/2019
KE2DSO HP ALLThis was my first contest as SO2R. I am resubmitting as single transmitter since only one signal could be transmitted at any time. I hope I am doing this correctly. Thanks, Bob, KE2D
KF5KWOSO LP 40MFirst RTTY contest, only started doing RTTY a few days before. Love it!
KF5MUSO HP ALLEnjoyed and appreciated your contest. Bands very ative
KF6NCXSO HP ALLGreat contest, lots of fun. Thanks for the QSOs
KF9VVSO LP ALLFirst RTTY contest. Lots of fun! Operated as a CLASSIC station
KG4WZZSO QRP ALLAccidentally sent Serial# 032 to both KB1QU and WB5BHS due to fldigi crash
KG5VKSO HP ALLPart-Time Effort Had a blast Cheers! Steve KG5VK
KG9ZSO HP 40M100% S&P

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